the 9-to-5 issue
Think: the morning commute, Colgate smiles, the never-ending cycle of deadlines, dress codes, trauma bonding, double agendas, lunch breaks, harsh fluorescent lights, elevators, being proactive… and so much more!
Interviews with:
Billy Bultheel, Dania Shihab, Dida, Johnny Jewel, Malibu, Milan W., Paul Amitai & The Dare
Works by:
Edouard Nazé, Madjestic Kasual, Wietse Thomas, Willem Roekaers & Nodwater
Essays by:
Anna Lancry, Léa Hasbroucq & Ruben Stoffelen
Contributions by:
Megan Bruinen, Ernest Thiesmeier, Daoud Venus, Marcelo Mudou, Rokus Sadée, Hanne Maria Waerzeggers, Nicolas Peeters & Steve Ozel
Released 16/05/2024
20 cm x 28 cm, 160p, perfect bound, English.
ISSN: 2736-5549
All rights reserved to Not So Difficult vzw.
Printed by Van der Poorten in Belgium
Published by Not So Difficult vzw
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